In October, 2009, I was elected Chair of the Writers and Prison Committee of PEN International. This is a three-year appointment. For more information about PEN International, please go to the PEN International website.
Here are the first three entries from the Chair’s Notebook, which I will write every couple of months or so over the next three years.
Chair’s Notebook #1 November 30, 2009
Because writers speak their minds
Chair’s Notebook #2 December 30, 2009
“We should end the practice of viewing words as crimes.”—Charter 08
Chair’s Notebook #3 March 15, 2010
Past…present…next steps
In 2010, the Writers in Prison Committee of PEN International celebrates 50 years of defending freedom of expression around the world with a year-long campaign - Because Writers Speak their Minds.
Chair’s Notebook #4 June 30, 2010
Thoughts on celebrations and campaigns
Chair’s Notebook #5 December, 2010
Note from Oslo
Chair’s Notebook #6 April, 2011
Spring in Brussels
PEN International website