The Rise
In the first years of our marriage, John took me in the southern summer to the place of his childhood, the place of his family's gatherings and unravellings, where they were all in and of the moment, detached from their real lives. Read The Rise...
Shembe on the Mountain
I walked up Nhlangakaze Mountain in the verdant, hilly countryside of KwaZulu Natal province north of Durban, South Africa, with more than 100,000 Shembe worshippers. Barefoot. Read about Shembe...
Summertime Music
In Stratford on a morning in summer, you might stroll into the market square on a weekday morning and, for $25, hear the world's best dramatic tenor in concert. Heppner Unplugged...
In May, 2002, I moved from downtown Toronto to Stratford , Ontario. Before choosing Stratford, I considered a number of similar towns close to Toronto, like Port Hope, Cobourg, Guelph, but Stratford is a town I have always liked, and whenever I have visited in the past, mostly for the Stratford Festival, I have always left contented. I wanted a smaller house, a serene place for writing, a base from which I could easily travel. Read the excerpt...
Kirkland Lake
When I travel to do research, I keep a microcassette recorder in my pocket and use it to record thoughts while I am driving. Literally thinking out loud. Here is an excerpt from a journal I kept while travelling in northern Ontario in June, 2000, before going to do the Cultural Journalism programme in Banff, where I would be working on a piece about Kirkland Lake. Read the excerpt...