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Recent news and work

December 2013: Article: Robben Island Journey
October 2013: Review: Orenda by Joseph Boyden
October 2013: Article: Strangers in a Small Town – Algeria Suite
June, 2011:
National Magazine Awards: GOLD: in Politics & Public Interest category,
for the March 2010 Walrus piece on Renée Acoby
March, 2010: First prize, Creative Nonfiction, 2009 CBC Literary Awards
"skilfully crafted prose, reminiscent of Alice Munro." 
March, 2010: Life on the Instalment Plan for The Walrus
October, 2009: Elected as Chair, Writers in Prison Committee, PEN International

Marian Botsford Fraser
Thom Hayim Photography


To be a writer is to undertake a succession
of journeys, literal and imagined. Journeys
through time (the living of a life), through
the lives of other people, to foreign lands
and nearby towns, into new ideas, unexpected experiences, and unanticipated technologies.

CCLA: Acting for Freedom